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Men's Hi Vis Safety Wear Coverall/Overalls

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NZ Fern BAB0359T
NZ Fern BAB6452T
NZ Fern BC6719TW
NZ Fern BC6357
Taped Hi Vis Action Back Overall Taped Hi Vis Freezer Bib & Brace Coverall Taped Hi Vis Lightweight Coverall Hi Vis Drill Coverall
NZ Fern BC8086T
NZ Fern BC6066T
NZ Fern BC6357T
NZ Fern BC6029T
TenCate Tecasafe® Plus 700 Taped Hi Vis FR Vented Coverall Taped Hi Vis Coverall with Waist Zip Opening Taped Hi Vis Drill Coverall Taped TTMC Hi Vis Lightweight Drill Coverall
NZ Fern BC8393XT
TenCate Tecasafe® Plus 700 X Taped Hi Vis TTMC FR Coverall Taped Hi Vis Action Back Overall Taped Night Cotton Drill Coverall Taped Hi Vis Lightweight Coverall
Taped Hi Vis Drill Coverall TenCate Tecasafe® Plus 700 Taped Hi Vis FR Vented Coverall TenCate Tecasafe® Plus 580 Taped Hi Vis Lightweight FR Coverall X Taped Biomotion Hi Vis Lightweight Coverall

Difference between men’s work overalls and coveralls 

Unlike our hi vis insulated coveralls, overalls are different in that they are a loose-strapped bib with a holder type uniform. Overalls are different from coveralls, as they are a loose strap, bib with a holder type uniform. These lightweight uniforms are used over your ordinary dress but do not protect the arms. Coveralls, as their name suggests protect the entire body from the neckline, sleeves to toes. 

Optimal Hi Vis Men’s Work Overalls

At Bisley, we do our best to ensure that you remain seen no matter the time of day, weather condition or work environment. As a result, all hi vis products are compliant with AS/NZS 4601.1:2011/Admdt2:2020, designed to meet industry standards of visibility. Our vi his overalls and coveralls are also tested according to AS/NZS4501.2 (EN ISO 13688) standard and ensure that:

  • They do not negatively impact the health or hygiene of the person wearing it
  • Accommodates movement and positioning of the wearer so no body part is exposed to hazards during use
  • Comfortable to wear
  • States the number of times it can be worn. Ensures ageing through wash and wear doesn’t expose the wearer to hazards

Durable materials that last through the years

We manufacture our coveralls and men's work overalls from materials that help them to function as a protective barrier against hazardous materials, like TenCate Tecasafe® Plus 580 and FR Modacrylic Lyocell Aramid blends. With denser structures, all textiles have been tried-and-tested to ensure that no hazardous materials permeate the dense structure of the suits.